1.The first thing you have to do is to drill out the hole, just make sure you have the drill as straight as possible. The drill bit for my kit was 21/64in size so it left me with a perfectly flush hole with no sign of
the old thread. Thankfully I was able to leave my fender in place for the job as it meant less stuffing around.
2.Next you have to tap a new thread using the tap that comes with the kit. The tap is tapered at the front end to help you get the thread started and using a shifter you wind it through the hole. Make sure you wind it all the way through until you stop feeling "resistance" as this means the hole is now completely tapped with the new thread. Gently wind out the tap with the shifter and when you do you shouldn't feel any resistance, in fact you may even be able to twist it out with your fingers.
Now you get one of the helicoils and using the tool supplied you wind it into the new thread until it is flush with the frame (sorry no picture).You also shouldn't feel any resistance as you do this but if you do you
may just need to clean the thread up a little. It is also at this point why the drill bit size is so important, as the outer thread of the helicoil will match the newly tapped hole, the inner thread of the helicoil will match your bolt size.
One the coil is in place you use the little punch that should come with the kit to knock the little tang off the end of the helicoil that assisted with winding it in. Don’t try to twist this off (unless the instructions say to) as you may warp the helicoil and you don’t want to do that.